Nobody knows your account better than you. That’s why you should never share your card details, internet banking log in and token with anyone over the phone, SMS or email.
cititad Bank Limited is continuously developing and implementing security enhancements to ensure the integrity of our Online Banking platform. Our goal is to protect your online safety, the confidentiality of our customer account and personal data.
Dear Customer,
Please protect yourself online by following these simple steps:
1. NEVER divulge your full Internet banking access code, username and password or your ATM pin.
2. NEVER respond to an e-mail that asks for your confidential or personal security information.
3. ALWAYS verify the url where you are entering your login details. Our authentic internet banking url is:
4. Install and maintain anti-virus software
5. Install and activate a Personal Firewall
6. Keep your computer software up to date.
Simply follow any of these steps:
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